Types Of Membership                                         

Pathers Sports Club of India is a members’ owned organization and the memberships consists of the following categories:

Full Member

This is a member who has attained the age of 25 years and above, and has been balloted and elected by the main committee. The person aspiring to become a member in this category must be introduced by an existing member, who has been a member for a period of  more than three years, and is allowed to propose 10 times at most per year.

Nominated Member

This is a person married to a Full Member and has been nominated as such by the Full Member concerned and shall on nomination as aforesaid ipso facto be entitled to use all the facilities of the Club. However such a member shall not be entitled to receive notice, attend and vote at a General Meeting.

The widow or widower of a deceased Full Member may at the discretion of the Main Committee be elected a Full Member without ballot of the payment of entrance fee but shall be liable to pay the quarterly subscriptions at the time of such election..

Junior Member

This is a child of a Full Member between the age of 21 and 25 years, and who has been elected as such, and paid the subscribed fee for the period being payable for such membership, as fixed by the Annual or Special General Meeting. After attaining the age of 25 years the member has to graduate to a Full Member so that he can start enjoying all privileges of a Full Member on paying an upgrade fee approved by the Main Committee.

Life Member

This is a member who has been a Full Member for a period of not less than thirty-five years and has attained age of seventy years, and who has been elected as such by Main Committee subject to recommendation by the Balloting Committee resulting to the proposal to that Committee by a Full member. On election, he shall pay the fee for the time being payable for life membership, and there after shall pay no further subscriptions but shall be liable to pay other levies payable by full members.

Temporary Member

This is a member who has been elected as such by Main Committee. The member has to maintain his/her membership by paying his/her monthly entrance fees.

Reciprocating Member

This is a member of a Club with which the Club currently enjoys such reciprocating relationship.